Friday, July 8, 2011

recreation vbs: get the picture!

One part vacation bible school, one part art camp, and one part gardening party will make for a unique and exciting week for kids in Oakland and throughout the East Bay!

This summer, Fruitvale Presbyterian Church and College Avenue Presbyterian Church, along with other Oakland Presbyterian Church communities, are partnering to sponsor this unique and fun opportunity for students Pre-K- through 8th grade.  Recreation VBS will be an exciting week of fun, discovery and new friendships as we learn about our environment, get a larger picture of the world and city in which we live and work together to do something to improve it. 

Each day will begin with worship on the theme of God's creation, followed by a morning of making art with artist-teachers and an afternoon of making our very own community garden in the Dimond District of Oakland.  

August 15th - 19th, 8:30am-3:30pm
for Pre-K - 8th Grade aged children
at Fruitvale Presbyterian Church
2735 MaCarthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94602

Cost is $75 per child, $50/each additional child in a family.  
This includes lunch and snacks each day.  Please make checks payable to College Avenue Presbyterian Church

Register by August 10th
or by surface mail to College Avenue Presbyterian Church, 5951 College Ave., 94618 
for questions email or call Monte at (510) 658-3666.