Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Project Thanksgiving 2011:: hope-full memories

Abby and I have recovered from the busyness, fun and miracles of Thanksgiving - hopefully you have too.  We had a great Project Thanksgiving Day Camp.  With 25 campers and with the cooperation of 3 churches (College Avenue Presbyterian Church | Fruitvale Presbyterian Church | Montclair Presbyterian Church) we changed the world in Oakland, even if just for a day.

Here's some video highlights of the day along with some interviews.  Unfortunately because it's not a YouTube video, Google or blogspot, won't let me insert the video in a viewable format into this blog post.  To view the video simply click on the link below:

In one day we prepared (ok a lot of it was done elsewhere - but the kids did do the salads, set-up, cheesy potatoes, and apple crisps - and the drinks) a meal that feed over 120 people in Oakland's Dimond District. Our camp began with a reflection upon the story of Jesus feeding over 5,000 people with the resources that he had on hand - the lunch of a small boy - the only one with something and willing to share: 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  Our hope was for the campers to experience that story for themselves in the midst of the hunger both homeless and homed that characterizes Oakland and the East Bay.

We also did some fun games (DODGE BALL!!!) and collected over 60 pounds of garbage with the Dimond Clean-Up local effort.

Thanks to all those who helped and in particular to La Farine (and manager Stan Dodson) who rewarded all of the campers with cookies following our great garbage expedition!

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